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  1. Are the data normal?
  2. Are the data pathological?
  3. Are the focal modifications immobile?
  4. Are the images linear?
  5. Are the images linear?
  6. Are the images millimeter?
  7. Are the images millimeter?
  8. Are the images punctiform?
  9. Are the images punctiform?
  10. Are the modifications ecogenic?
  11. Are the modifications hypoecogenic?
  12. Are the modifications in dynamics present?
  13. Are the modifications localized along the gallbladder contour?
  14. Are the modifications multiple (numerous)?
  15. Are the modifications solitary?
  16. Are the pains bearable?
  17. Are the pains periodical?
  18. Are the pains permanent?
  19. Are the pains severe?
  20. Are the structural modifications in dynamics absent?
  21. Are the structural modifications in dynamics present?
  22. Are the structures ecogenic?
  23. Are the structures ecogenic?
  24. Are the structures hypoecogenic?
  25. Are the structures hypoecogenic?
  26. Are the structures multiple?
  27. Are the structures multiple?
  28. Are the structures solitary?
  29. Are the structures spread on the whole perimeter?
  30. Are the structures stable?
  31. Are the structures transsonic?
  32. Are the structures unstable, modify the shape?
  33. Are there circumscribed modifications (in the form of transsonic lacunae and reflectogenic inclusions)?
  34. Are there diffuse intraparietal modifications?
  35. Are there diffuse modifications of the gallbladder contents?
  36. Are there focal modifications of the gallbladder contents?
  37. Are there modifications protrusive in lumen (parietal vegetations)?
  38. Are there multiple septa?
  39. Are there the complaints?
  40. Do the focal modifications form acoustic effects?
  41. Do the vegetations disappear (via breakage) in dynamics?
  42. Do they form posterior reverberation?
  43. Do you want to answer additional questions?
  44. Do you want to describe one more group?
  45. Do you want to describe one more group?
  46. Do you want to describe one more group?
  47. Do you want to describe one more group?
  48. Do you want to describe one more group?
  49. Do you want to describe one more group?
  50. Does it form acoustic shadow?
  51. Does it form acoustic shadow?
  52. Does it form acoustic shadow?
  53. Does it form acoustic shadow?
  54. Does it form the acoustic effects?
  55. Does it form the acoustic effects?
  56. Does it form the acoustics?
  57. Does the vegetations increase in dynamics?
  58. Doesn't it form acoustic shadow?
  59. Doesn't it form acoustic shadow?
  60. Doesn't it form acoustic shadow?
  61. Female?
  62. Has mobility the floating character?
  63. Has mobility the floating character?
  64. Has mobility the organized character?
  65. Has the gallbladder annular shape (clepsydra)?
  66. Has the gallbladder flexion?
  67. Has the gallbladder normal shape (without flexion or instable\ functional flexion)?
  68. Has the gallbladder parietal sacciform structure comunicating with vesicular cavity?
  69. Has the gallbladder septa?
  70. Have the images mass-like appearance?
  71. Is acoustic shadow absent?
  72. Is gallbladder obstruction at the level of gallbladder neck?
  73. Is gallbladder obstruction on the whole contour?
  74. Is he/she adult?
  75. Is it identic with the liver echogenity (hepatized bile)?
  76. Is it localized declive?
  77. Is it solitary?
  78. Is it the child?
  79. Is it thickened diffusely?
  80. Is it thickened focally?
  81. Is it thickened segmentally?
  82. Is localization antideclive (back to the anterior wall)
  83. Is localization in suspension?
  84. Is localization in the region of body?
  85. Is localization in the region of fundus?
  86. Is localization in the region of neck?
  87. Is obstruction of bile ducts partial?
  88. Is obstruction of important degree?
  89. Is obstruction with acute onset?
  90. Is obstruction with chronic evolution?
  91. Is obstruction with unimportant degree?
  92. Is reverberation fugal?
  93. Is reverberation fugal?
  94. Is reverberation fugal?
  95. Is reverberation fugal?
  96. Is reverberation fugal?
  97. Is reverberation fugal?
  98. Is reverberation posterior?
  99. Is shadow partial?
  100. Is shadow total?
  101. Is the Murphy’s sign negative?
  102. Is the Murphy’s sign positive?
  103. Is the accumulation abnormal?
  104. Is the aspect gravitational?
  105. Is the aspect of gallbladder annular?
  106. Is the aspect of membranes?
  107. Is the aspect stratified?
  108. Is the character declive (sediment)?
  109. Is the chills absent?
  110. Is the chills present?
  111. Is the collection homogeneous?
  112. Is the collection inhomogeneous?
  113. Is the collection striplike?
  114. Is the conglomerate homogeneous?
  115. Is the conglomerate inhomogeneous?
  116. Is the conglomerate stable?
  117. Is the conglomerate unstable, modifies the shape
  118. Is the conglomerate with aspect of ball or clod
  119. Is the content of parietal sacciform structure liquid and solid?
  120. Is the content of parietal sacciform structure liquid?
  121. Is the contour clear irregular?
  122. Is the contour clear regular?
  123. Is the contour clear?
  124. Is the contour continuous?
  125. Is the contour interrupted?
  126. Is the contour irregular?
  127. Is the contour regular?
  128. Is the contour unclear?
  129. Is the echogenity of modifications lower than the liver one?
  130. Is the ecogenity mixed (with transsonic zones)?
  131. Is the ecogenity of content enhanced homogeneous (uniform)?
  132. Is the ecogenity of content enhanced inhomogeneous (nonuniform)?
  133. Is the ecogenity of content transsonic?
  134. Is the ecogenity of modifications hypoecogenic?
  135. Is the gallbladder clogged?
  136. Is the gallbladder contents normal?
  137. Is the gallbladder diminished (length < 4.0 cm, transverse diameter < 2.0 cm)?
  138. Is the gallbladder enlarged (length >10 cm, anterioposterior diameter >4.0 cm)?
  139. Is the gallbladder folded (necklace of beads)?
  140. Is the gallbladder normal (usually: 7-10 cm (with extremes 4-12 cm), anterioposterior and transverse diameter 2-3.5 cm)?
  141. Is the gallbladder tonicity normal?
  142. Is the image of double concentric contour?
  143. Is the image of homogeneous band (linear)?
  144. Is the jaundice present?
  145. Is the jaundice with acute onset?
  146. Is the jaundice with gradual onset?
  147. Is the level of flexion distal (the fundic section, phrygian cap)?
  148. Is the level of flexion medio-corporal (bilobate gallbladder)
  149. Is the mobility chaotic?
  150. Is the modifications echogenity higher than the liver echogenity?
  151. Is the movement ascending to the anterior wall?
  152. Is the movement ordinary?
  153. Is the onset acute?
  154. Is the onset gradual?
  155. Is the orientation longitudinal?
  156. Is the orientation transversal?
  157. Is the parietal contact broad base?
  158. Is the parietal contact with thin pedicle?
  159. Is the parietal vegetation represents posterior reverberation?
  160. Is the perivesicular area without modifications?
  161. Is the person senile?
  162. Is the reverberation static?
  163. Is the reverberation static?
  164. Is the reverberation static?
  165. Is the reverberation static?
  166. Is the reverberation static?
  167. Is the reverberation static?
  168. Is the septum solitary?
  169. Is the solid content with reduced mobility?
  170. Is the spreading multiple?
  171. Is the spreading solitary?
  172. Is the spreading uniform?
  173. Is the structure adhered to gallbladder wall?
  174. Is the structure homogeneous?
  175. Is the structure immobile?
  176. Is the structure inhomogeneous (stratified)?
  177. Is the structure lodged in the gallbladder neck?
  178. Is the structure mobile?
  179. Is the structure with chaotic inhomogeneity?
  180. Is the structure with homogeneous aspect?
  181. Is the structure with lobed aspect?
  182. Is the thickening homogeneous?
  183. Is the thickening inhomogeneous?
  184. Is the thickening mixed?
  185. Is the thickening striated?
  186. Is the tonicity decreased (atonic gallbladder)?
  187. Is the tonicity increased (tense aspect)?
  188. Is the vascularization absent?
  189. Is the vascularization absent?
  190. Is the vascularization present?
  191. Is the vascularization present?
  192. Is the vegetation ecogenic?
  193. Is the vegetation hypoecogenic?
  194. Is the wall thickened, with thickening 0.4-0.8cm?
  195. Is the wall thickened, with thickening >0.9cm?
  196. Is the wall with normal thickness: 0.1-0.3 cm, depending on plenitude (fullness)?
  197. Is there the acoustic shadow?
  198. Is there the acoustic shadow?
  199. Is there the fever?
  200. Is there the gallbladder obstruction?
  201. Is there the pain in the interested zone?
  202. Is there the posterior reverberation of circumscribed modifications?
  203. Is there the posterior reverberation?
  204. Is there the reverberation?
  205. Male?
  206. R 01. Solitary diverticulum of gallbladder.
  207. R 011. Multiple diverticula of gallbladder.
  208. R 02. Hypoplasic gallbladder.
  209. R 03. Giant gallbladder.
  210. R 04. Normal gallbladder.
  211. R 05. Flexion of gallbladder.
  212. R 06. Gallbladder septum.
  213. R 07. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Hard calculus (pigmented).
  214. R 08. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Soft calculus (pure cholesterol calculus).
  215. R 08.1 Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Mixed cholesterol calculus.
  216. R 09. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Mobile calculus.
  217. R 09.1 Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Floating calculus.
  218. R 10. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Calculus adhered to gallbladder's wall.
  219. R 11. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Lodged calculus in the vesicular neck.
  220. R 12. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Solitary calculus.
  221. R 13. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Multiple calculi.
  222. R 13.1 Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Calculus with gases.
  223. R 14. Chronic lithiasic cholecystitis.
  224. R 15. Chronic alithiasic cholecystitis.
  225. R 16. Acute lithiasic vesicular hydrops.
  226. R 16.1 Acute lithiasic cholecystitis complicated by empyema.
  227. R 16.2 Chronic lithiasic vesicular hydrops.
  228. R 17. Acute alithiasic vesicular hydrops.
  229. R 17.1. Acute alithiasic cholecystitis complicated by empyema.
  230. R 17.2. Chronic alithiasic vesicular hydrops.
  231. R 18. Acute lithiasic cholecystitis.
  232. R 19. Acute alithiasic cholecystitis.
  233. R 20. Acute phlegmonous lithiasic cholecystitis.
  234. R 21. Acute phlegmonous alithiasic cholecystitis.
  235. R 22. Acute gangrenous lithiasic cholecystitis.
  236. R 23. Acute gangrenous alithiasic cholecystitis.
  237. R 24. Acute emphysematous lithiasic cholecystitis.
  238. R 25. Acute emphysematous alithiasic cholecystitis.
  239. R 26. Acute perforated lithiasic cholecystitis.
  240. R 27. Acute perforated alithiasic cholecystitis.
  241. R 28. Benign tumor. Solitary adenomatous polyp of gallbladder.
  242. R 29. Benign tumor. Multiple adenomatous polyps of gallbladder.
  243. R 30. Malignant tumor. Primitive cancer of gallbladder. Localized form.
  244. R 31. Malignant tumor. Primitive cancer of gallbladder. Diffuse form.
  245. R 32. Malignant tumor. Primitive infiltrative cancer of gallbladder.
  246. R 33. Malignant tumor. Primitive vegetative cancer of gallbladder.
  247. R 34. Focal gallbladder cholesterosis.
  248. R 34.1. Focal cholesterosis associated to other parietal pathologies of gallbladder.
  249. R 35. Diffuse gallbladder cholesterosis.
  250. R 35.1. Diffuse associated cholesterosis.
  251. R 36. Focal cholesterosis of gallbladder. Cholesterol polyp.
  252. R 37. Cholesterosis of gallbladder. Multiple cholesterol polyps.
  253. R 38. Declive sediment of gallbladder.
  254. R 39. Sludge ball.
  255. R 40. Sludge.
  256. R 41. Hepatization of gallbladder.
  257. R 42. Secondary systematic cholecystopathy (AIDS, hepatic cirrhosis, renal and cardiac failure, infection).
  258. R 43. Diffuse adenomyomatosis of gallbladder.
  259. R 44. Localised adenomyomatosis of gallbladder.
  260. What are the dimensions (diameter) of the parietal sacciform structure?
  261. What is the dimension of parietal vegetation?
  262. Which is the collection thickness (value)?
  263. Which is the value of dilatation?
  264. Which is the value of fever?
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R 08. Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Soft calculus (pure cholesterol calculus).

The pathology “Vesicular biliary lithiasis. Soft calculus (pure cholesterol calculus)” has the following characteristics:

The gallbladder contents is abnormal. There are focal modifications there. They are represented as the image with the aspect of mass-like appearance, stable, with homogeneous structure. They are the echogenic structures. Neither acoustic shadow, nor posterior reverberation is formed.

    • R 08. Litiază biliară veziculară. Calcul moale (colesterolic pur).
    • Calculoză. Calcul colesterolic pur.
    • Colelitiază. Calcul colesterolic pur.
    • Colelitiază.Calcul moale (colesterolic pur).
    • Холелитиаз. Холестериновые камни.